In a Time of Ongoing Change, The Need to Scale Up and Down Effectively More change is on the horizon in 2021. It will be imperative to maintain core operating needs while enabling elasticity to adjust to ongoing uncertainty and volatility. Our Operations...
We’ve all adapted to an ever-changing environment by leveraging technology and our abilities to creatively re-engineer our work paradigms. Highlights The majority of companies surveyed throughout the COVID crisis have said they plan some type of permanent changes to...
Short-term, localized, finite. These are the ways we have traditionally approached an “interruption”. Highlights The Term Disaster Recovery referred to localized disruptions to a given geographic area Benefits: Reimagining what a business disruption is / could be....
As we enter into Phase 3 of this crisis, companies are performing a holistic re-think of their operating models. Technology has allowed us to maintain productivity and Work-From-Home (WFH) is becoming a more viable option. Revenue forecasts are in flux for the...