CAM Audit Services

At P&M Advisors, we provide comprehensive Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Audit services tailored for both landlords and tenants. Leveraging our extensive experience in the accounting and commercial real estate industries, we ensure accurate and transparent CAM charges, fostering better relationships and financial clarity.

Importance of a CAM Audit

CAM audits play a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy of shared maintenance costs in commercial properties. These audits verify that landlords correctly allocate expenses such as landscaping, security, and janitorial services to tenants. By conducting thorough CAM audits, we identify and correct discrepancies, preventing overcharges and ensuring a fair distribution of costs.

Benefits of CAM Audits for Landlords

Conducting regular CAM audits enhances trust and transparency, demonstrating landlords’ commitment to fairness and strengthening tenant relationships. Additionally, audits ensure accurate expense allocation, avoiding potential disputes and fostering a harmonious leasing environment. Identifying and correcting billing errors also leads to more efficient financial management and potential cost reductions.

Commons Reasons Landloards Seek CAM Audits

Building Sale (Pre-Disposition or Post Acquisition)

Asset Repositioning


Long-term Leases where Revenue Participation is Involved


Acquisition or Disposition (Where Lease(s) are Involved)

Benefits of CAM Audits for Tenants

Tenants benefit from CAM audits through cost accuracy, gaining confidence that their CAM charges are fair and accurate, which protects them from overpayments. Furthermore, accurate CAM costs improve budgeting, helping tenants avoid unexpected expenses. Regular audits also provide a clear basis for resolving disputes over shared maintenance costs, promoting a positive landlord-tenant relationship.

Common Reasons Tenants Seek CAM Audits


Upcoming Lease Renegotiation, Expiration or Renewal Option

Billing Anomalies


Long Period Since Last Audit Performed

M&A Acquisition / Disposition


Expansion or Contraction of Space


Receipt of Reconciliation Statement

Who Conducts a CAM Audit?

Professionals with expertise in both accounting and commercial real estate should conduct a CAM audit. At P&M Advisors, our team combines deep knowledge of property management with financial auditing skills, ensuring a meticulous and comprehensive review of CAM charges. Dedicated to delivering precise and reliable audit results, our experts benefit both landlords and tenants.

For professional CAM Audit services that ensure transparency and fairness, contact P&M Advisors today. Trust us to bring clarity and accuracy to your CAM charges, enhancing your commercial property management experience.